The Purr
It is no longer a new concept to use cats as therapy animals in retirement homes, nursing homes or convalescent hospitals, research had proven that it makes a real difference in the lives, and reduces blood pressure especially in older people. The benefit of the human-feline bond has been documented in many ways, not least the pleasure of holding a purring cat, some purr so strongly that their entire bodies vibrate. Purring is one of the most special unique qualities of a cat.
What if we go a step further and say that this is only the beginning, a cat can be of benefit to a human as a compact movable therapy unit? Intrigued; read on…
Cat owners and handlers know that purring isn't just a sound of contentment. Cats most definitely purr when they are stressed, afraid and in pain, in short when they are experiencing any trauma. Even a cat near death or dying will purr, why? – Recent research has brought to light a new significance to this seeming anomaly.
The following Questions were asked:
· The ability to purr has survived through the entire development of the cat, countless generations, throughout the inception of different cat species developed and evolving in totally isolated areas over the entire world; for this to happen there has to be some very important reason for the purr, there has to be a survival mechanism to explain its continued existence.
· Accepting that the purr evolved solely as a vocalisation of contentment goes against all we have come to understand about the basic rules of evolution and natural selection.
· There would have to be a very good reason for an injured animal that needs all its reserve energy to survive to initiate a function that uses energy and does no good. The only explanation would have to be … it is beneficial to the animal’s survival.
· Could it be possible that evolution and natural selection has blessed the cat with a natural healing mechanism? Researchers at Fauna Communications in the
· Could the purr in any way be linked to the fact that vibration stimulation relieves suffering of persons and animals that have acute and chronic pain? Could the fact that vibration stimulation generates new tissue growth, increases wound tissue strength, improves local circulation and oxygenation, reduces swelling be linked to the purr?
The Healing Power of the Purr
Cat researchers now believe that self-healing is the purpose of the purr.
In human and animal medical treatment low frequencies, at low intensity has been proven to be therapeutic.
In 1994 Zhonghua Wai Ke Za Zhi, in this work found that frequencies of 25 and 50 hertz improve bone strength by 20%, stimulate both the healing of fractures, and increases the speed at which the fractures heal. In a study done at the Cincinnati Zoo, by Fauna Communications, who recorded many cats' purrs; it was discovered that cat purrs create frequencies that fall directly in the range that is optimal for bone growth.
I think that this research will make it plain why cats purr, here are the results:
Neuromuscular electrical stimulation treatment of Human and animals
Problem | Optimal frequencies For best treatment | Cats Purr Frequencies |
Bone growth and Fractures | 25 Hz or 50 Hz | The exact dominant and fundamental frequency of a cats purr |
Repair of tendons | 120 Hz | All cats have frequencies of this range. Some even have 2 to 3 harmonics within this range. |
Stimulation of joint mobility | 18 Hz to 35 Hz | All cats have frequencies of this range and here again 2 to 3 harmonics within this range |
Generation of muscle strength | 2 Hz to 100 Hz | All cats have at least 4 sets of strong harmonics in this range. |
Therapeutic pain relief | 50 Hz to 150 Hz | All cats have at least 5 sets of strong harmonics in this range. |
With this information available it is not difficult to comprehend that a cat’s purr is a genetically designed self healing device. It gives a cat an internal natural way to decrease healing time, and increase strength whilst sedentary. Meaning; muscles strengthen, while bones heal without any movement to endanger the knitting of bone, with the bonus of having a pain treatment while this is happening. This would explain why nature has developed an adoption like this and it has remained constant in all cats regardless of how remote or different they may be.
In Summery: Purring the Pain Away
Vibrations between a the frequencies 20-150 Hz are therapeutic for bone growth/fracture healing, pain relief, reduction of swelling, wound healing, muscle growth, strength and repair, tendon repair, mobility of joints and the relief of breathlessness. Direct contact with a purring cat is definitely beneficial to your own health. As with any frequency wave forms, oscillations move between the animal and the human and can do wonders to a person with many different types of bone, muscle and pain problems…. In short put a kitty on your lap.
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